A Day-in-the Life: Two Indonesian Women Manage Fish, Finances and Their Futures

Such high aspirations are not surprising, since in general Indonesian girls are doing well at school. They tend to stay in school longer than boys, also perform better than boys in some subjects. However, conversations around aspirations and dreams of future careers with young women and men keep returning to another topic. That is, how the responsibility for childcare continues to affect and limit women’s choices. I will continue to study until I am old.” Prita, a 17-year-old female high school student in Bandung, West Java. Despite football being one of the nation’s favorite sports, Indonesia is not among the strongest teams in the AFC, especially its women’s side. Indonesia has no tradition for women’s football and considerably underdeveloped, in contrast with the men’s side.

There is limited information regarding soil science education, and the role of women in Indonesia. This study aimed to provide an overview of the issue of gender equality in Indonesian soil science. We surveyed the number of women soil science students, lecturers, and researchers from 2016 to http://xcx1.huzhutongzhushou.com/292/ 2020. Twenty-seven soil science undergraduate programs were identified across government-owned universities in Indonesia. The number of students in soil science is steadily increasing in the last five years, each year with about 1500 new students enroll in soil science. The number of female students also increased with an average proportion of 55% in 2020. However, the number of women academics was only 30%, representing a disproportion of gender equity.

Our findings underscore the needs for optimizing existing facilities and infrastructure in the rural area to provide comprehensive knowledge about HIV base https://www.shamprotikshawdesh.com/funchatt-com-reviews-read-customer-service-reviews-of-funchatt-com/ on the local needs. Furthermore, policy maker need to design a wide health education program targeted to women who were uneducated, poor, unmarried and lived in rural area using an innovative strategy. This study found Indonesian women residing in urban areas had 1.62 times great knowledgeable level than rural counterparts. find more at https://thegirlcanwrite.net/indonesian-women/ In Indonesia access to media sources, both electronic and written materials, often is limited or perhaps even inaccessible in many more remote and rural areas24. Another study in Indonesia emphasized that people who lived in the rural area more prefer to rely on cultural traditions and beliefs about health, sexual activity, and reproduction. Moreover, community leaders often view HIV as a “curse” for the individual, family and even the community25. President Joko Widodo made gender equality a cornerstone of his agenda during his presidency and is currently a global ambassador for the #HeForShe campaign making it his mission to fill his cabinet with strong, smart and capable women.

These include Cut Nyak Dien, who was a freedom fighter from Aceh who fought against the Dutch, leading her own army in the 1880s. The third piece of legislation is the protection of indigenous people. There are millions of people who identify as indigenous in Indonesia and protecting them is about protecting their land rights since there are a lot of issues around land-grabbing. This is land that a lot of indigenous people rely on for their survival with women at the centre of that because women play such a significant part in the management of natural resources. You’ve rightly mentioned Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, who is a fabulous role model for a lot of women particularly women who have not had tertiary education because she entered politics through an unorthodox route.

  • Forty years of violence against women in Papua province was explored in a report published in 2011 by activists Fien Jarangga and Galuh Wandita.
  • Many conservative Muslim groups advocated the introduction of mandatory hijab rules in Indonesia, starting from conservative provinces like West Java, West Sumatra, and Aceh, using the regional autonomy drive in, post-Suharto Indonesia, to win political support for the measures.
  • Article 297 prohibits trafficking in woman and boys, which carries a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment.
  • He continued to pressure me to use a jilbab photo, writing via WhatsApp, but I declined.
  • Since 2017, when KUPI issued fatwas on sexual violence, child marriage, and environmental degradation, the Indonesian government has legislated changes relating to two of the fatwas issued.

In April 2022, nearly a full year later, Facebook assigned a staff person to meet Djohar in Jakarta, but she declined the meeting. Nowhere in the Quran does it say that hair is a disgrace or that jilbab is mandatory. For hundreds of years, our scholars have not prohibited people from dancing, performing arts, wearing various beauty ornaments, and traditional clothes in Indonesia. Do not let us become a confused nation because we are uprooted from our cultural roots. I was fed up with the attitude of these so-called Islam https://slusserstg.wpengine.com/sisters-of-suffrage-british-and-american-women-fight-for-the-vote-ap-us-history-study-guide-from-the-gilder-lehrman-institute-of-american-history/ defenders. The ethical values in this country have shifted along with the bombastic religious jargon. The pace of fanaticism is almost unstoppable, and jilbabization is the gateway to this religious symbolism.

In addition, since the purpose of marriage is to “achieve peacefulness ,” men are required to first obtain their wives’ consent before engaging in polygamy, thus respecting their wives as legally equal partners. Therefore, the Court rejected petitioner’s claims and held the laws constitutional as they guarantee the recognition of women’s rights and allow husbands to exercise polygamy in accordance with the teachings of Islam. This study set out to determine that Indonesian women who were aged 30 to 34 years old, unmarried, living in urban area, higher education and economic status showed better knowledge of HIV compared to older age, married and living in rural area.

Domestic Case Law

With parental consent, girls may marry at age 16 and men may marry at age 19. Marriages under the legal age are void and there are penalties for knowingly entering into or authorizing child or early marriage. The prevailing Indonesian labor laws reflect anti-discrimination principles. Each employee shall have equal opportunity without discrimination to obtain work and shall be entitled to equal treatment from the employer without discrimination .

Statistics on

Of these, the majority were married (76.5%); more than half had completed secondary education (52%) and were lower-mid socioeconomic status (20.1%). More than half had access to a newspaper and or radio at least once weekly, but almost all had access to televisions (95.2%). Nevertheless, violence against women is high in Indonesia and can happen in all places – rich or poor, east or west – and has different manifestations from street harassment and trafficking to domestic violence and workplace harassment. It’s therefore difficult to generalize that Indonesia is an unsafe place for women because it’s an extremely diverse country. There is religious diversity where the eastern-most province of Aceh is the only province in the country where Sharia law is enforced, whereas in the western-most province of West Papua, the dominant religion is Christianity and the ways of life are completely different. They showed Human Rights Watch more than 60 pages of bullying and threats they downloaded from Facebook. Both women and Human Rights Watch reported the threats to Facebook, but no known action was taken for months and Facebook has not revealed the outcome of its investigation.

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How Women are Transforming Indonesia

A local saying that more children equated to more fortune and it was widely believed that the use of contraceptives contravened religious and moral values. This contributed to a very high fertility rate, recognising that it was a major factor in creating widespread poverty. Child marriage is also common.It is among the triggering factors of diseases in women such as cervical cancer, and is sustained by traditional norms. The proportion of seats held by women in the national parliament in Indonesia increased by 0.7 percentage points since the previous year. With 21.04 percent, the proportion thereby reached its highest value in the observed period. The defendant paid his friend to bring the victim, a 14-year-old child, to defendant’s café under the pretext of attending a birthday party. After defendant’s friend abandoned the victim at the café, the defendant told the victim to work as a server but also forced her to have sex with the male clients and kept all payments received for the victim’s services.

In the pre-dominate Indonesian culture, discussed sexual health or responsible sexual activity are taboo topics, especially for single and unmarried women. Thus, they are less likely to discuss sexual issues particularly topics related to HIV transmission and prevention. A similar with a study conducted in Kenya reported that unmarried women had a higher knowledge of HIV due to they need to secure everything by them self20.

Article 297 prohibits trafficking in woman and boys, which carries a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment. Article 299 imposes a four-year maximum sentence for abortion and provides for a one-third increase in sentencing for professionals (e.g., doctor, midwife) who perform abortions. These findings highlight inequality in infrastructure development to help people easily able to access information. Women with more formal education also had a higher HIV knowledge level. However, the majority of Indonesian women have completed less than a secondary level of education.

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